Assalamualaikum wbt.
Today is the third day of Ramadhan. A holy month for the muslims.Moga ramadhan kali ini membawa kebahagiaan kepada semua umat manusia.
Hari ini juga adalah minggu ke-4 untuk pelajar di Semester Pertama 2010. Time flies very fast these day.
Next week is the Test 1 for Kolej Programme & UPM.
Nothing much happen in college. Only in JSK Department, the head of JDK is Pn Faridah Kamis. While, En.Suhaiman is the Ass. Director (Academic) for college. That is a huge changes. A new leader in the college, En. Zulkiffli Md, as the Campus Director.
This intake number is 500 ++ students.. A well done for kolej RISDA!
Do hope the management is really considers about facilities and the students here.
There are 2 outside hostel for this semester. One is in Masjid Tanah, Hotel Samudera (for girls), Ms Siti Rabiah as the fellow.... And for boys are in Lendu, lead by Mr. Firdaus as the fellow.
A lot of new lecturers for this intake too.
Moga kolej akan terus gemilang dan cemerlang. Aminnn
p/s : Bila dah cemerlang, akan terjaminlah lagi staff2 mereka...hopefully...
Till then
Ms. Afzan